Day 6 – House Tour!

Another lovely day in lock-down… went super fast though! Got some Te Reo Māori study done today, a Body Combat session, cooking and also meal planning for the next week.

Boom! Body combat session done and dusted.

I’ve assembled a bit of a shopping list and realised we will need to go to the supermarket soon – bugger. It’s not a place I shop very often (as we usually buy where we can avoid packaging/ fill our own containers – i.e. Bin Inn and Pikos in Christchurch). With reports I’ve seen from the last couple of weeks it looks a bit crazy at the supermarkets so I haven’t gone there. But Thursday I think I will venture out of the house and see how it goes. Wish me luck!

Afternoon tea today… guacamole heaven with chips (from home compostable packaging!!)

After mentioning our hens in last night’s blog post, I asked Antony if he’d put down the ‘cover’ to prevent the hens going in the laying box at night (as they used to sleep and poop in there). He hadn’t so out we go about 10pm to do that… the hens were all cosy together in the laying box. I gently tried moving them in to the cage itself… they were all sleepy and lethargic. We put down the cover so they couldn’t get back in to the box.. then I jumped inside the cage and lifted each hen up one at a time and placed them on the roost. They weren’t quite sure what was going on but seemed to stay up there… and early this morning Antony went to check and they were all up there still… hallelujah!! Hopefully tonight I don’t need to physically move them up on to it again. They CAN actually flap their wings and get up … I hope they work that out!!

I decided to film a little tour of our house today… as many of you reading this live in far away places and haven’t had the opportunity to visit us here. Hope you enjoy seeing where we live.

For my Danish friends who want some English activities for your kids… get them to watch this and then see if they can do a similar tour *in English* of their homes.. or their bedroom/ garden/ favourite parts of the house. Upload to youtube or google photos then share with me the link :-).

About the Author

Born and bred in New Zealand's South Island, this Kiwi likes getting 'out there' exploring the world and its wonderful people! I have taught English in South Korea, volunteered in Kyrgyzstan, studied in Denmark, lived in community in Scotland and visited friends and wonderful people all over the world. Now married to Antony the adventures continue together. I have a habit of being notoriously behind in my blog - but will do what I can to record my adventures, as much for my own record as anything (as I have a terrible memory). After an amazing year in Iran and Europe, in 2016, Antony and I are off again September 29 2019 - Feb 1 2020. Hopefully I can blog about most of what we get up to! Enjoy the read! Kate x

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