Day 36 – The Dishwasher Incident

Last night I went to the kitchen to put the kettle on for my hot water bottle and I discover the kitchen floor is flooded – so I get Antony who’d just gone to bed. I was like- there must be something wrong with the dishwasher… then I opened the door (it had just finished its cycle). This is what greeted me:

I was like… Ants what did you put in the dishwasher??? He pulled out the container of liquid dishwashing stuff we use in the sink for dishes! ‘But it’s not fair the labels weren’t that clear!’ he claimed. Ha! We have NEVER used a liquid in the dishwasher – always powder + vinegar (both of which were right beside the bottle he used). I laughed so hard. It really was hilarious. SO many bubbles. I put the dishwasher on rinse thinking that might get rid of all the suds … but this is what it looked like after the rinse cycle:

Not a lot better. Antony sheepishly shrugged back to bed after attempting to mop up the water off the floor. He said he should not be trusted in the kitchen! So funny… gotta love him.

I set the dishwasher to rinse cycle two more times and after twice scooping out the suds… it still had suds in the bottom!!! Ah… this morning Antony scooped out more suds and we put it on rinse.. then after lunch I threw some powder in there and we put in a few more dishes and put it on our usual eco cycle setting. And finally it seems we have got rid of all the suds!! What a mission.

Keeping with the dishwasher theme… Antony picked up our order from Simply Eco today… 2kg of dishwash powder in a paper bag, 2 Heke Homemade Herbal teas (loose tea in home compostable packets), some razor blades and a roll of compostable baking paper. I normally don’t use baking paper but if I do I reuse it lots. But with all the extra lockdown baking I had exhausted my supplies and decided I should have some in the drawer. Hopefully this roll will last as long as my last one (5 years?). I reuse until it really can’t be reused again! At least this one can go in the compost when done, instead of the landfill.

Before all the dishwasher dramas I made my second ever batch of biscuits. These ones are nut-butter choc chip biccies from Nadia Lim’s site. Gluten and dairy free and rather delicious. I decided after the Anzac biscuit experience that I would err on the side of caution and take the biscuits out a bit early. I set my alarm (in the kitchen) and went to the lounge to eat my dinner. You can imagine what happened. I did not hear the alarm! But when I went through to the kitchen I think they’d only had about 3 mins longer than intended. Thankfully they are delicious and not hard like the Anzac ones… even though they are quite a bit browner than the ones pictured with the very easy recipe.

Yesterday after some yoga core work and a bit of Petra blogging, I spent most of the morning zooming in with classes. Plenty scheduled next Monday and Wednesday too.. and two class zooms tomorrow. This morning was body attack then some email and a Timebank related zoom – the steering committee for TimeBanks of Canterbury – put off from Tuesday night. After that I had a quick lunch of yummy salad with boiled eggs then Antony and I headed to the golf club.

In Level 3 the golf club is allowed to open – we can only play alone or with one other person from our bubble. We have to book tee times. There are no cards to fill out and no flag poles in the holes. It’s not golf as we know it but it’s close enough! My hand injury means I still can’t play. 🙁 Tried a gentle pitching shot and that hurt… putting is the only thing I could do pain-free.

Antony played 9 holes and I wandered around, trying to keep up with him! It was really nice to get some exercise and fresh air and enjoy the 24 degree day out in the sunshine.

Then it was home to my computer to work on getting a few more things ticked off the to do list… shall carry on tonight… after I make a mushroom rice stuffed marrow for dinner. 🙂

About the Author

Born and bred in New Zealand's South Island, this Kiwi likes getting 'out there' exploring the world and its wonderful people! I have taught English in South Korea, volunteered in Kyrgyzstan, studied in Denmark, lived in community in Scotland and visited friends and wonderful people all over the world. Now married to Antony the adventures continue together. I have a habit of being notoriously behind in my blog - but will do what I can to record my adventures, as much for my own record as anything (as I have a terrible memory). After an amazing year in Iran and Europe, in 2016, Antony and I are off again September 29 2019 - Feb 1 2020. Hopefully I can blog about most of what we get up to! Enjoy the read! Kate x

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