Day 9

Boring post alert! It’s 7.34pm Friday night and I am wondering what to write today! I have started a post about food.. but that will have to wait for another day as I want to make a few things and take photos to illustrate how I make bread, milk, crackers, sprouts etc. I reckon the Food Special will be a good post.. but it aint ready yet.

Today went fast… again… I really don’t know where the days are disappearing to. I feel like I am busy mostly being productive but then when I reflect back on what I achieved, it isn’t much! Oh well. I am feeling good and positive, still enjoying lock-down while conscious of the many for whom this is not cool at all.

My body has finally realised it doesn’t need to wake up at 5.30 so today it was almost 7am when I woke! Whoop whoop.. to celebrate I made a special breakky – coconut/ banana/ egg fritters… delish. Then I progressed my rye bread to the putting the starter in with warm water/ rye flour and lots of seeds stage, to make dough. It is now sitting on the bench doing its thing until I cook it tomorrow night probably.

Body balance was on at 9am which is actually what I usually do on Fridays at 9 (the only day I don’t teach), so that was nice. I thought I spent most of the day doing TimeBank work but when I look at my hours for that it was just over 2. So am not sure where the rest of the time went… anyone else had the time thief visit lately?

I had an hour and a half training call over Zoom before dinner and then I made something I’d never made before. I found a tin of jackfruit in the cupboard that I bought at least a year ago.. it was best before November last year but hey.. I wanted to try it so I fried onion, garlic, grated carrot and threw in some miscellaneous spices from the cupboard, the jackfruit chopped into large chunks and a can of tomatoes. It was really good!! Served with lots of baby potatoes with parsley and grated zucchini – all from our garden.

Now Ants and I will settle in for a couple of episodes of My Beautiful Friend before bed. Tomorrow will be another work day for us both but Sunday we’ll have off, to do garden and house stuff and definitely some cooking/ baking too. I’ve still got all that marrow and zucchini to use up!

About the Author

Born and bred in New Zealand's South Island, this Kiwi likes getting 'out there' exploring the world and its wonderful people! I have taught English in South Korea, volunteered in Kyrgyzstan, studied in Denmark, lived in community in Scotland and visited friends and wonderful people all over the world. Now married to Antony the adventures continue together. I have a habit of being notoriously behind in my blog - but will do what I can to record my adventures, as much for my own record as anything (as I have a terrible memory). After an amazing year in Iran and Europe, in 2016, Antony and I are off again September 29 2019 - Feb 1 2020. Hopefully I can blog about most of what we get up to! Enjoy the read! Kate x

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