Day 14 – Pear special

What another gorgeous morning weather wise – so lovely and warm in the sun and in my sunny kitchen! I didn’t feel like doing any exercise today – would have been the first day in lockdown without doing a workout. I said to Antony I didn’t feel like working out and he replied, just do it anyway. Am so pleased I followed his advice! Body balance was great 🙂

I spent some time this morning collecting all the pears from the ground under the tree behind the chook coop. They are firm, really lovely pears. I then washed them all and sorted into ones that needed bits cut off and ones that were good to eat as is.

I then used some of the ones that needed bits chopped off in a couple of recipes I found by googling ‘pear recipes’! I got them all prepped and ready then cooked them up at night. OMG deliciousness… I don’t think I’ll ever make a pear crumble again… these cinnamon baked pears were SO GOOD! This is them before they went in the oven:

I also made something called an ‘Autumn Spice Pear Cobbler‘… It too was delicious but I was full from the baked pears so just had a little spoonful… it will be tomorrow’s treat. It was a bit similar to pear crumble but instead of putting the crumble topping on you add milk to it so it becomes more like a dough… then that goes on the pear mix (which you cook on the stove-top first)…. I adapted things as usual not using real butter, using my homemade oat milk instead of milk and grinding up oats instead of using flour, using less sugar than recipe calls for etc.

While I’m talking about food I may as well show you what we had for lunch…

This is a sure winner… easy and delicious. Homegrown potatoes, cubed and cooked for 5 mins in microwave then put in a fry pan and sprinkled with Spike (herb & salt mix). Boiled eggs for Antony and poached or as today fried eggs for me – this was a massive double yolker one of our girls had laid – so big it didn’t fit in the egg carton. Then my homemade kimchi finishes it off – hadn’t had it for a while, so delish.

I left the house today to pick up a top and some flaxseed I needed for a recipe, from Mari’s place. She’d left them at her letterbox so I left some eggs and pears there in return. I did a bike-by New World but there was a long line of people waiting to get in so I decided tissues, strepsils and maple syrup could wait til another day. Really loved seeing all the teddy bears in peoples’ windows as I biked home- so cool!

Here’s me wearing the top I picked up at an op-shop (genbrug) in Aarhus, Denmark in 2016 … it is really light and cool in hot weather so has been great when traveling… but it somehow got very gape-y both under the arms and down the front so was a little risqué! Mari has worked her magic and made all the gapey parts decent again… YAY. 🙂 Another item of clothing rescued from the bin to live on for a few more years hopefully. Really happy with this TimeBank exchange – thanks to the talented Mari.

Today was a good day… a little too much eating once again! This lockdown is dangerous for constant grazing – and there’s too much time for baking sweet treats. Plus all the grapes are ready and they are so yummy! And I made walnut crackers today too. Oh well – lock down is a once in a lifetime (hopefully) experience!

TimeBank work is coming together… soon the focus will shift to school work. Currently on school holidays – term 1 break. We have a staff meeting tomorrow which will be good – find out expectations around teaching remotely, which we start doing next week.

I had another nice zoom social call tonight with timebankers… looking forward to hosting our online quiz night over zoom in about 10 days time. Didn’t get time to do any Māori study yesterday or today so really must prioritise that tomorrow.

Hope everyone reading this is coping with lockdown or whatever situation you find yourself in! Take care out there…

About the Author

Born and bred in New Zealand's South Island, this Kiwi likes getting 'out there' exploring the world and its wonderful people! I have taught English in South Korea, volunteered in Kyrgyzstan, studied in Denmark, lived in community in Scotland and visited friends and wonderful people all over the world. Now married to Antony the adventures continue together. I have a habit of being notoriously behind in my blog - but will do what I can to record my adventures, as much for my own record as anything (as I have a terrible memory). After an amazing year in Iran and Europe, in 2016, Antony and I are off again September 29 2019 - Feb 1 2020. Hopefully I can blog about most of what we get up to! Enjoy the read! Kate x

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